Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Strong Enough Matthew West Lyrics

So, hello everyone! It's me, yeah you probably thought I'd been sucked down into a black hole or something, I've been awful about posting lately. And I am VERY sorry, I've been meaning to post on here forever & I've even made several drafts I'm working on. ( I promise I'll get them up)
Anyways, I heard this song a few months ago or so, I totally loved it & after Addision Road's song "This Little Light of Mine" This as to be my theme song for life when things are tough. I know a lot of people are probably feeling stressed right now, just getting back into the groove of school & no more summer freedom, trust me I feel ya. College students are back to school & so are all the high schoolers & so on. Homework is overwhelming & whatever so it's just..tough? Ha ha, I'm sure we could think of many ways to describe it. I know things can get tough & stressful & sometimes we just feel like pulling our hair out & screaming "What are you thinking, God?!" Admit it, we've all thought it at one time or another. This song is PERFECT for those moments <3 I'll stop talking now so you can listen to this amazing song!

I hope you enjoyed the song! :)

Dear Angels...

Hi little angels of "mine", it's "mommy" here.  I just wanted to tell you all how sorry I am for not posting more about you all for a while.  I've been really busy lately, but I haven't forgotten about any of your beautiful faces.  I pray for you & love you dearly.  I haven't failed my mission on finding you your forever families & being your voice to speak for you.  To tell people you matter & God LOVES you, even more than I do or any human could!  God's got a perfect plan for every single one of you!  YES YOU Kinsey, Casey, Amelia, Annabell & Tabitha, JESUS LOVES you babies & He's got some reason for all the things your going through.  Stay strong, never give up hope, I believe in you!  I think of you!  I love you & so does Jesus!   Please never forget that <3   
I promise I'll try to do more with all you on my blog!  Believe me when I say, I've been busy.  Trying to keep up with my school, chores, start a fundraiser (Possibly) & working in a fundraiser with my group. You aren't forgotten, your in my heart forever & always! 
I love you little angels, sleep tight.

Hugs & kisses

Your "Mommy",
                           Kaitlyn <3